Have you ever worn them to get rid of your muffin top and ended up with the Muffin Bust?
Worn the one's with legs and they just keep rolling up your leg until it looks like you didn't pull your underwear up?
Have you ever worn a gorgeous sleeveless dress and you look beautiful and toned because your in the sucker in body suit, then you wave hello to someone and your bingo wings wave goodbye?
The Excuse.
I'm terribly lazy. I like exercise wherein I'm outside doing things. It's called distraction and that's what works for me.
However, for toning exercise's, I could give you any excuse that you could think of.
Now my bits aren't so bad, as in, when I remove my clothes, my body doesn't hit the floor, but there are parts that I really want to change. I have started this so many times and given up after a week and it's all forgotten about.
The plan
This time I realized that I need some accountability and 12 weeks is manageable, so I bought myself this.
I used the journals a lot when I was loosing weight. Really because I used to be afraid that a stray tracker would fly out of my handbag and it happening in a place where I didn't want people to know that I'm on Weight Watchers. I also used the other parts to it, inch loss and how I felt and it really was a great tool.
So I decided that I was going to buy one again and use it as my 12 week plan towards a more toned me.
I have my inch's all noted and my aim at the bottom. I don't want to be any thinner, I like the size I am but I don't want the wobbly bits any more.
There is a section in the book whereby you attach a photo of your now picture and a photo after. Well I have mine picked out. It was taken during the beautiful weather we had and I was in a bikini. Now in 12 weeks time I will not be getting into a bikini, but I will take a picture of myself in the bikini in the house.
How am I going to do it,
Now I just need to persist and by Christmas I will look like this.
My thinking is, I want to be a Christmas cracker, not for anyone else but for me and I really don't want to buy spanx anymore.
I may even post a picture of the Before and After.
Enjoy the Niptuck way, so you don't have to!
Never have I heard truer words spoken about Spanx! I love em and hate em! But sometimes they make one look bigger in some other body area! Good luck chick, I'm toning bit by bit thanks to my beloved kettlebells and core but hope I'll be able to pop into a bikini someday soon (It would be my first) :)