Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Fear and some Food Finds

It's Monday and some of us will have the Fear

Do you remember starting WeightWatchers?  That first realization that you needed to take control back away from both your mouth and your head?  Then do you remember the fear?  Where you start thinking "I actually am happy with myself, I'd be happier if other people didn't judge me on my weight, or if clothes shops made clothes for real people? 

Has anyone else ever gone into a plus size shop looking like someone out of Mission Impossible, trying to enter, shop and leave the store while not been seen by anyone that they might know? I have!

Or, I'm not telling anyone that I'm doing WeightWatchers so that if I fail it's only my inner pride that's hurt?  

Are you ashamed of yourself? 

I was! and sometimes when people ask me if I really lost over 9 stone, I do feel ashamed.  Don't get me wrong I'm so proud of myself that I did manage to take control and I'm even more proud of the fact I had the stamina and determination to withstand the long haul journey. 

My life now is very different, I'm conscious of my eating habits and not just about the propoints fitting into my daily allowance or my weeklies but the nutrition.  I'm also conscious that I need to let my body sweat to maintain it.  So when I look back to what my mentality was 6 years ago, I get a stab of regret for my utter recklessness and disregard for my health, body and mentality.  

However, I feel that I kind of needed to get to breaking point so that I could lose the weight, so that I would realize that if I really needed or wanted something, I could do it.  

We all have regrets, but what can you do about it.  Absolutely nothing.  What will it achieve? Absolutely nothing.  Regret should not be a button of self destruct.  It should be your reconstruction button.

Of course this is easier to say 9 stone lighter rather then pouring out my inner most fears while they still are real and present rather than distant. 

When I first started I had no clue as to what my goal weight was.  I never thought about it because it wasn't real for me.  It would be like putting your child into junior infants and telling them about the leaving cert exam? 

I lived in the present.  Week by week and pound by pound or half pound? My clothes were my goal.  To fit into a size 18 if I'm being honest was my goal.  If I got to that size I could shop in "normal" shops and that was my goal.

So to all the starters, re starters and plateau ers, when you feel that WeightWatchers is getting to difficult for you and your starting to feel different from all your friends, family and peers because you need to concentrate on your weight differently from those around you, you are different.  If everyone that you ever envied wrote down on a piece of paper there true inner most body conscious fears and threw them into a pot,  would you not take back the fear that could be changed?  Well when it comes to weight you can change it.  

Take back control of your own life, you only have one chance and I would rather be up dancing to my own tune rather than sitting on the fence eating a take away looking at other people living their lives.

Monday is a great day for fresh starts.  I think it is actually scientifically proven aswel.

So start fresh today.  Give yourself a mini goal and then when you reach it you will be reminded that you can do this. 

The last Saturday of this month, myself and my husband are attempting to climb Carrountoohil.  I still get the Fear when I think about it because I have announced it on this blog.  What If I don't make it?  Now I'm thinking, If I get to the top the view will be magnificent. 

I still need to stay focused and these challenges for myself keep me focused and pushes me out of my comfort zone and reminds me that maintaining a healthy weight and body takes work.

If anyone wants to join me and a few other that are on the WeightWatchers Program head on over to my facebook page. 

So after a much long winded intro here are the best food finds for this week. 

 I love the saltyness of these.  2 crackers for 1 WeightWatchers Propoint.

For your sweet tooth, each bag of 4 mini's has a propoints value of 2 and are available in Aldi and Tesco
These work out at 3 Weight Watchers Propoints

These are half price at the moment for the large pack in Tesco and each pot which is actually quite large has a propoints value of 2.  

Enjoy the Niptuck way, so you don't have to!


  1. Niptuck, that is such an inspirational post. Especially the bit about the fear you can change. I never thought about it that way. So many people have such hardships in their lives that they can do nothing about. I am so lucky my hardship is something i can change.

    Thank you for helping to get my week off to a positive start.


  2. @cavangal I'm so glad you found it motivational, I was actually nervous about posting this so I'm delighted you liked it

  3. Thank you so much for that inspirational post, I was planning on re-joking weightwatchers and then yesterday I had a neck collar put on because of a slipped disc and weeks of excruciating pain BUT I was still putting every excuse in front of myself. Not to re-join, I might not be able to excerise at the moment but I can control what goes into my mouth, I have said also, I'm ok the way I am, that's until I get to go on a rare night out land then I try to find something to wear, and lately my 5 year old is on my mind about teaching him a healthily lifestyle and having a normal mummy! Sorry for rant but neck collar is on, bad nights sleep and cranky but your post and got me all motivated this morning and its only 8.50 am. A HUGE THANK YOU! Keep them coming! :-))))

  4. Re-joining NOT re-joking- SORRY!

    1. Thank you jillian, I was nervous about this post but I'm really glad people are finding it helpful to get back on track. I hope your neck gets better soon. I hope you have a great. Weight loss

  5. Absolutely love this post!! Everything about the regret being the reconstruction button sums it all up for me! Just had a week of last supper treats!!! Even though I know I can still have the treats on WW I know I've gone slightly overboard in the last week (or more if I'm truthful!) as if I will never get to eat certain foods again. Your post has some brilliant points about fear etc. so hopefully today is a new day and back to WW tomorrow evening! Just hope the mind stays positive and focused but have to say your blog is helping sooooo much!! Thanks again for the great food finds this week they are right up my street!!

  6. Oh, forgot to mention in my post at 9.03am!!! (paperwork on desk can wait for another few mins!) Are there any quick and easy dinner ideas - fiinding it a big problem getting in late from work and having to get dinner ready if it takes too long its gives a bigger excuse for something convenient eg take-away or end up just picking !!! Looking for ideas that would suit all the family if poss! Many thanks


    1. The week before I joined weightwatchers I had so many last suppers and at my first weigh in I gained 4.5 pounds but it was from the last suppers. I will try to do a post on quick meals either next week or the week after and hopefully they'll help you.

    2. many thanks for the reassurance!! Don't feel so bad now - first weigh in tonight since last September! A hysterectomy (spelling??) knocked me off track for a couple of months and the rest of the time was usual excuses about why you dread going back! Thanks for all tips and look forward to reading your blog over the next few weeks!
      Anita :)

    3. Well just remember a hysterectomy is a huge job so don't be too hard on yourself. Put it behind you and start fresh and keep me posted as to how you get on

    4. Hi! just back from WW for first weigh in since last year!! Wasn't too bad - lovely to see our leader again. I was greeted with open arms (literally) - I think this is what makes WW so special and enjoyed the meeting thoroughly - again coming away with tips and very encouraging advice (it was also recommended to try out some blogs - including this one!!) so I made sure to mention I had checked it out and was finding it very useful :))
      Anyway, just need to get my head around the tracking again and make time (not easy) to sit down and plan the food for the week ahead!! Thanks again for all the support!!! Anita:)

  7. WOW - I knwo it is a cliche but this post really is inspirational. I think it should be printed out and read at ww meetings.

  8. Thank you and I really hope you find it helpful and keeps you motivated

  9. I know exactly what you mean. I put off joining WW for a long time because I was afraid of admitting to myself that I needed to which seems hilarious now because it's been absolutely brilliant for me and in 3 months I've gotten almost halfway to my goal weight.

    I have a very active group of friends who in the past year or so started running 5/10k races and I felt a bit left out as my fitness level was atrocious and I could only imagine how ridiculous I'd look huffing and puffing my way through the course or worse, not being able to finish so I've decided this year to not let that stop me and told them I'll do two races later in the year with them. I may still look ridiculous and I'll probably huff and puff a lot but at least I won't be on the sidelines embarassed that I let my size stop me from joining in again :)

    1. Fair play to you with even trying, that's what it's all about. I have never climbed a mountain and I will definitely be huffing and puffing but if I reach the top it will be an achievement and the same for you with the races

  10. Everything about the regret being the reconstruction button sums it all up for me! Just had a week of last supper treats

    Glyn Willmoth

  11. Thank you so much for that post. Just what I needed to read at the moment. I am thinking of joining your meeting tomorrow as I feel I need a fresh start to get me going again. Also my other meeting is too far out of my way. Hopefully I'll be able to make it. Your blog is such an inspiration so I'm looking forward to your classes.

    1. Oh please do come tonight, I'd love to see you there and if you do let me know at the scales that it's you. I have a great class planned for tonight that will really motivate you. I look forward and hope to see you there

  12. This is DEFINITELY my favourite blog of yours, it just hit sooo many home truths with me and as someone who is battling years with my weight, I have said those things to myself TOO MANY TIMES to ry and convince myself I was ok! With the actifry completion aside it is truly an inspirational story, very raw & true & I often read it to remind myself I need to lose the weight! Thank you! Jillian x
