Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Food Finds

Is this the only Catholic holiday whereby in modern times, the crucifixion on ourselves happens on the Tuesday after the holidays are over? 

Is this how you are feeling this week.  Do you have that pang in your tummy with dreaded anticipation of your weigh in. 

If so, stop.  If you over indulged there is absolutely nothing that you can do to change what happen.  The best part, you are no different than the rest of the people in Ireland.  It's an indulgent holiday.  Therefore you treated yourself like everyone else. 

I can only talk about my own journey, I overindulged daily pre Weight Watchers.  In all honesty most of what I ate was indulgent seen as I was a convenience food woman.  I did not really have any handle on what differentiated a treat from everyday food.  

My first realization of  this was when I went to Scotland for a 4 day music festival.  I had a ball.  The music was brilliant, Scotland was fabulous, the Mojito's where delicious as were the take aways, short bread and deep fried mars bars, yes you heard right.  However I did dance all the time and surely I wasn't up that much. 

7 pounds.  That's what I gained in 4 days.  Half a stone.  I was gobsmacked.  I started to laugh but it was a horrified laugh.  My leader asked me,"did you have a good time"  I responded "A brilliant time"  well then, its over, you enjoyed.  That's what happens to most people.  

It was then that I realised that most people do over indulge on their holidays so I was no different and that I was going to be right back on track. 

So my advice to anyone feeling it after Easter.  Its gone, move on.  It will never be beyond repair. 

So here is some of the best food finds that Ive seen to help get you back on track. 

Aldi Waffles, 2 Weight watchers propoints.  A nice alternative to bread and a lot lower than a smaller hash brown.

Dunnes Stores Bread, each slice is 2 Weight Watchers Propoints and if you have 2 slices, its still only 4 Propoints and its really tasty and filling. 

Aldi wraps, 3 Weight Watchers Propoints, but only 83c in the shops now. 

Dunnes Stores.  For 400mls it is only 2 Weight Watchers Propoints.  That's excellent value.  This is not as creamy as the sweetened almond milk but if you drink a lot of milk in you tea/coffee or for breakfast, this tastes more like slimline milk but for a quarter of the calories.  Apparently, drinking almond milk instead of cows milk has huge nutritional benefits, but for now very good Weight Watchers value. 

Rose Coconut Logs, in case you are still coming down off your chocolate high.  1 Weight Watchers Propoint for 1 and 3 propoints for 2.  The one is actually enough and I think there really tasty, mind you I would not dip it in your tea. 

I hope this helps keep on track or to get back on the wagon. 

Enjoy the Niptuck way, so you don't have to!


  1. Hi where can you get coconut logs? Love the blog!

  2. @john thank you. I got the coconut logs in dunnes stores.

  3. Thanks so much - this is really useful.

    I'm really looking forward to reading all your blog - can't wait!!

    1. Thanks, I hope this blog helps you in your journey

  4. Absolutely love this blog!!! Just starting back weightwatchers next week and this has given me the push I needed. Looking forward to all the tips and updates over the next few weeks.

    1. Hi Anita, I'm so glad your back on track, I'm here if you need any help and I hope you find the blog motivating
